AMG Building Excitement for ONGOOD in South Africa
Between March 24-April 3, AMGlobal’s Andrew Mack met with Third Sector leaders and government representatives in South Africa, as part of our work to support Public Interest Registry’s (PIR) launch of the OnGood (.ngo/.ong) online community. Together with AMG friend and colleague Tina Thiart of HGG, a local firm offering training and service to South African NGOs, Andrew met with over 250 NGOs and NGO-sector connectors in a total of six events in Cape Town, Port Elizabeth and Durban.
The presentations explored how NGOs could unleash their fundraising and branding capabilities as part of the OnGood community, raising their visibility and better leveraging international audiences – such as tourists and the diaspora – as part of their growth and sustainability strategies. “When my mom comes to visit Cape Town,” said Mack, “she needs to be able to find out about the great work NGOs in the Cape Town area are doing. And through the OnGood/.ngo community she will be able to…”
In addition to the different NGO meetings, Mack spoke about the .NGO/.ONG launch to various members of the South African media, including writers for community newspapers and a radio station in Port Elizabeth.
Many thanks to Tina Thiart for being such a fantastic host and collaborator on this incredible trip, and a special “shout out” to Elizabeth Robinson and the Peninsula Ramblers for sharing an unforgettable hiking trip to the top of Table Mountain!