Pop!Tech 2007 – A Blog’s eye view: A Conference Retrospective
So, you just got back from an exciting week at Pop!Tech 2007, tell me a bit about your expectations going in? Honestly, I wasn’t sure...
Northwoods Alchemy IV – Africa is looking up
Africa is looking up. Believe it. After years of being fed a constant diet of bad news about the continent, most Americans are all too...
Northwoods Alchemy III: Speed Kills, Slow Kills – Lost in Time in Camden, Maine
I’m rushing to try to put something down for a blog… Partly because we face big issues. Because we don’t have time to wait. But also...
Northwoods Alchemy II: Save the bees Andrew MackOctober 19th, 2007
Thursday morning’s session had an audacious title: “The Human Impact”. And, of course this immediately appealed to me… A veteran of many...
Northwoods Alchemy I: Give me a cell phone, or give me death! – Does Tomorrow belong to the c-Citize
It’s been a long time since Patrick Henry made his famous speech in Virginia calling for liberty or death, calling for democracy and...
Northwoods Alchemy
If you are a regular – or occasional – reader of Andy’s Global View (www.amglobal.blogspot.com), you’ll know that one of my goals is to...